
In Vivo Imaging
IVIS Spectrum

IVIS spectrum



IVIS Spectrum 是一台非侵入式的活體光學影像系統,針對活體影像可以連續性的拍攝與觀察,減少實驗設計時的動物隻數、動物之間的個體差異及不同批動物之間的操作誤差,更重要的是符合動物實驗3R原則。同時可以拍攝二維及三維的影像,並偵測冷光及螢光的訊號,讓實驗設計更為的彈性且賦予變化。其軟體Living imaging介面設計簡單,Auto exposure 貼心設計讓初學者不用調整過多參數好上手。

IVIS Spectrum有三高


高敏感度的光學元件可以偵測冷光及螢光訊號,讓使用者能為實驗挑選最佳的拍攝方式。多重的光學影像拍攝可為高複雜度的實驗,帶來更彈性的設計,讓實驗Data有更深度的機制探討。拍攝時,一次可以進行5隻小鼠拍攝,最多可升級至10隻小鼠。減少動物在籠外的操作時間,避免汙染及長時間操作的犧牲,也節省您寶貴的時間。影像上高解析度(20 micron)的拍攝,帶來更細膩清晰的視覺效果,讓Data擺上期刊時有最真實的樣貌。

3D 結構重組,精準定位發光部位

IVIS台大光訊號會因為光本身的深度的來源,有不一樣的強度變化。越接近體表的訊號其光訊號會越強,越在組織深層的訊號其光訊號就會越弱。是因為組織本身會對光有吸收及散射的現象,導致光訊號到體表時就被犧牲了許多。而IVIS Spectrum 可以利用雷射去描繪出動物表面的深淺度,畫出動物體表的輪廓。根據不同的螢光及冷光,分別有不同的演算法可以推算出真正光訊號的深度,讓我們更清楚的知道光訊號真正的來源,減少影像呈現上的誤差。

戴上Spectrum Unmixing



紅光加綠光會變成黃光,我的黃光還是我的黃光嗎?我的綠光是自體螢光還是GFP呢?讓Unmixing spectrum來幫你解決光譜重疊所遇見的問題。IVIS Spectrum 擁有涵蓋430-850 nm的濾片,濾片對光訊號的透射度高達95%。利用濾片掃描技術描繪出每一種顏色的光譜,一一拆解每個色彩的成分,分離出真正的色彩訊號,減少自體螢光及多重螢光分析時相近螢光的干擾。



IVIS系列儀器都經過NIST可回朔的校正盤進行校正,可以讓不同批動物、不同時間點與不同機台的資料可以互相比對,無論是國內外的IVIS Data都可以進行比較分析,增加Data的國際化及公正性。



3D Co-Resignation


IVIS Spectrum的Data可以結合CT及MRI,讓影像分析更有深度且具層次性。不單單只是在實驗層次的分子影像學分析,更能橫跨至臨床的影像分析,了解解剖學上與生理學上的意義,讓臨床前試驗的結果更為完整。






An optimized set of high efficiency filters and spectral un-mixing algorithms lets you take full advantage of bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters across the blue to near infrared wavelength region. It also offers single-view 3D tomography for both fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters that can be analyzed in an anatomical context using our Digital Mouse Atlas or registered with our multimodality module to other tomographic technologies such as MR, CT or PET.

For advanced fluorescence pre-clinical imaging, the IVIS Spectrum has the capability to use either trans-illumination (from the bottom) or epi-illumination (from the top) to illuminate in vivo fluorescent sources. 3D diffuse fluorescence tomography can be performed to determine source localization and concentration using the combination of structured light and trans illumination fluorescent images. The instrument is equipped with 10 narrow band excitation filters (30nm bandwidth) and 18 narrow band emission filters (20nm bandwidth) that assist in significantly reducing autofluorescence by the spectral scanning of filters and the use of spectral unmixing algorithms. In addition, the spectral unmixing tools allow the researcher to separate signals from multiple fluorescent reporters within the same animal.

Features and Benefits

  • High-sensitivity in vivo imaging of fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • High throughput (5 mice) with 23 cm field of view
  • High resolution (to 20 microns) with 3.9 cm field of view
  • Twenty eight high efficiency filters spanning 430 – 850 nm
  • Supports spectral unmixing applications
  • Ideal for distinguishing multiple bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters
  • Optical switch in the fluorescence illumination path allows reflection-mode or transmission-mode illumination
  • 3D diffuse tomographic reconstruction for both fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • Ability import and automatically co-register CT or MRI images yielding a functional and anatomical context for your scientific data.
  • NIST traceable absolute calibrations
  • Gas anesthesia inlet and outlet ports
  • Class I Laser Product

Selected Publications:

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