
Gyrolab ImmunoAssays
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Gyrolab® Kits Ready to Use Kits: Convenience. Gyrolab quality
Gyrolab®ready to use kits 提供多種常見的生物製成分析QC免疫檢測項目之解決方案,提供快速、重複性高的分析。

Gyrolab 套件提供即可使用小型免疫分析,用於所有Gyrolab平臺,以加快生物治療開發期間的時程表。套件包括生成 96 或 4800 個數據點所需的一切,包括:捕獲試劑、檢測試劑、標準曲線樣品、洗滌緩衝液、樣品稀釋緩衝液和 Gyrolab Bioaffy CD。

與所有Gyrolab小型免疫分析一樣,這些易於使用的試劑組需要更少的手動步驟,減少樣品和試劑體積,消除洗滌步驟,並降低與 ELISA 相比的移液錯誤風險。
Gyrolab CHO-HCP E3G Kit

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line host cell protein (HCP) impurity determination with the proprietary CHO HCP 3G ELISA antibody from Cygnus Technologies.

Gyrolab CHO-HCP Kit 1

Robust and reproducible determination of HCPs from CHO cell lines.

Gyrolab E. coli HCP Kit

Determination of HCPs from Escherichia coli (E. coli) expression systems.

Gyrolab Protein A Kit

Accurate and efficient quantification of residual protein A ligands in bioprocess samples.

Gyrolab Bioaffy 1000 HC Assay Toolbox

Develop your own HCP assays with the components of ready-to-use HCP Kits.

Gyrolab huIgG Kit – High Titer

Rapid and robust quantification of up to 1 mg/mL concentrations of human monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics in cell line development.

Gyrolab huIgG Kit – Low Titer

Rapid and robust quantification of human IgG in cell line development.

Gyrolab p24 Kit

Quantification of p24 protein for lentivirus titer determinations in manufacturing of lentiviral vectors for cell and gene therapies.

Gyrolab AAVX Titer Kit - NEW

Determination of AAV product titer in process development and in the manufacturing of AAV viral vectors.

Gyrolab Generic PK Kit

Accurate and robust quantification of human mAb biotherapeutics in pharmacokinetic (PK) studies performed in non-human serum matrices during preclinical development.

Gyrolab Generic TK Kit

Accurate and robust quantification of human mAb biotherapeutics in toxicokinetic (TK) studies performed in non-human serum matrices during preclinical development.