
Gyrolab ImmunoAssays
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Gyrolab® Systems: Immunoassays the way you've always wanted


Gyrolab® Systems

Gyrolab Systems 全自動微流道免疫分析平台
Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台,是一套開放性的免疫分析平台,可以大幅降低樣品使用量、減少人工操作、減少Matrix Effect、增加檢測動態範圍、增加檢測速度、加快檢測方法開發驗證速度,是一套在生物醫藥研發與製造上不可或缺的檢測方式。

其獨特的微流道CD,除了全自動化,僅需把樣品分住於微量盤外,從上樣、試劑混和、抗體抓取與訊號偵測皆可自動進行。除此之外,其獨特flow-through設計,可以精準的定量20nl, 200nl, 或是1000nl的樣品體積,沒有Matrix Effect的影響,大幅增加精準度

Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台,可以進行Generic PK、Sandwich、Indirect antibody、Bridging assays、物抗體(Anti-drug antibody, ADA)等多種免疫學分析方法,且可以根據需求在同一片CD上進行不同樣品、不同方法的實驗,大幅增加實驗的靈活度。

此外,Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台符合21 CFR part 11規範,並提供多種分析軟體與原整的LIMS系統整合方案,與儀器安裝、性能確校到實驗室認證、訓練都有完整的解決方案。

• Gyrolab Viewer
• Gyrolab ADA Software
• Gyrolab Affnity Software
• Gyrolab LIMS interface
• Gyrolab Control Report

想要快速的上手常見的免疫檢測實驗? 沒問題,Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台提供多種免疫分析試劑套組:
Gyrolab® huIgG KitsGyrolab®
CHO-HCP KitsGyrolab®
Protein A Kits for MabSelect SuRe™ Lligand and native Protein A
Gyrolab® CHO-HCP
Gyrolab® E. coli HCP Kit

Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台具有下列特點:
 減少Assay Development時間
 減少試劑與樣品的消耗
 減少Matrix Effect對於實驗結果的影響
 增加檢驗的動態範圍
 增加每日可取得的data points
 標準化的檢測Kit

Gyrolab System 全自動微流道免疫分析平台,是一套在生物醫藥研發與製造上不可或缺的檢測平台

Gyrolab users regard this system as a must-have technology for accelerating biopharmaceutical development and production. Speed of assay development plus small sample and reagent volumes, as well as the ability to measure concentrations over a broad dynamic range with minimal matrix interference are key attributes for their time critical workflows.Furthermore, the open Gyrolab platform is constantly expanding. As well as ever more advanced instrumentation and software, the range of optimized, ready-to-use kits for cell line development, bioprocessing applications and pre-clinical PK/TK continues to g ​ row.Boost workflow effciencyThe technology uses an affnity flow-through column format that eliminates incubations and shortens run times with a hands-free workflow. This simplifes assay workflows considerably and boosts effciency.Gyrolab instruments and control software hand you high-quality results within one hour, allowing you to make sound, data-driven decisions to meet critical timelines for all stages of biotherapeutic development. Maximize assay-day productivityWhether you work in biopharmaceutical discovery, preclinical and clinical development or bioprocessing, Gyrolab maximizes your assayday. Gyrolab platforms let you set up runs faster and analyze data quicker than ever before. For example, the option to perform five CD runs with Gyrolab xPand vastly increases throughput. Acquire up to 560 data points in less than fve hours, quickly, effciently and reliably and with a great degree of unattended operation!More samples run per day means more projects run on time – or faster. And the faster projects are completed, the sooner biopharmaceuticals are commercialized.