
DNA Gel imagiing
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Syngene InGenius 3
InGenius3 - 手動膠體影像系統

使用小巧的 InGenuis3 膠體影像系統,您可以通過選擇 UV、藍色或白色照明,並搭配適合染劑進行成像。該系統的 GeneSys 軟體可選擇適合您的照明和濾鏡,便於成像螢光、EtBr或 SYBR®安全 DNA染劑、Coomassie Blue 或蛋白質銀染色膠體。

對於經濟型系統,InGenius3 提供 300 萬像素的相機,具有16位元圖像深度的圖像。手動變焦鏡頭和手動濾鏡轉盤(包括 UV 濾鏡)。

該系統由 GeneSys 應用程式驅動的圖像擷取軟體控制,並配多台授權的 GeneTools 分析軟體。

InGenius3 - Manual gel documentation system

Using a compact, InGenuis3 gel documentation system you’re in control. You can image your choice of dyes and stains by choosing UV, blue or white lighting options. The system’s GeneSys software selects the right lighting and filters for you, making it easy to image fluorescent ethidium bromide or SYBR® Safe DNA gels and protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue or silver.

For an economical system, the InGenius3 offers a 3m pixel camera and can produce images with 16 bit image depth. A manual zoom lens and manual filter drawer (includes a UV filter) completes the package.

The system is controlled by GeneSys application driven image capture software and comes complete with unlimited copies of GeneTools analysis software.

Link To Syngene