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GeneSys – 簡單卻強大的1D、2D 和multiplex膠體影像擷取軟體

Syngene 革命性的 GeneSys 圖像擷取軟體,可用於 G:BOX、G:BOX mini、GeneGnome 和 InGenius3 系統。GeneSys 可確保科學家能夠快速擷取出色的multiplex膠體影像。

最新版本的 GeneSys 有很多精彩而令人興奮的新功能。其中包括兩個新的Chemi擷取功能(自動化學冷光拍攝模式和信號累積模式(SAC);能夠自動疊和彩色可見光影像和冷光訊號影像,並可批量保存圖像。增強圖像的新功能,可自動擷取影像,減少操作步數,以確保更快地路由到即時圖像。

GeneSys 軟體還包括 QuickQuant,這是用於膠體影像,可進行快速定量分析的功能。適用於 Syngene 的 G:BOX、G:BOX mini和 GeneGnome 系統,QuickQuant 非常適合需要執行快速膠體圖像量化的使用者。在擷取膠體影像或Western Blot後,可很容易分析蛋白質或DNA到nanogram等級。

GeneSys 圖像擷取軟體適用於符合CFR21 part 11 。


GeneSys – Rapid set-up and image capture of 1D, 2D and multiplex gels

Syngene’s revolutionary GeneSys image acquisition software has been developed for use with G:BOX, G:BOX mini, GeneGnome and InGenius3 systems. GeneSys ensures scientists can quickly capture excellent images of even complex multiplex gels.

The latest version of GeneSys has lots of fantastic and exciting new features. These include two new Chemi capture features (Auto Chemi Rapid and Signal Accumulation Calculator (SAC)); the ability to capture colour markers and overlay with a chemi image; Batch saving of images; “Save as” replaces ‘Export for publication’. Enhanced image is a new feature in the edit screen and the number of steps for automatic capture have been reduced to ensure a quicker route to a Live image.

GeneSys software also includes QuickQuant, a feature for rapid band quantification analysis on blots or gels. For use in Syngene’s G:BOX, G:BOX mini and GeneGnome systems, QuickQuant is ideal for scientists who need to perform rapid band quantifcation while they are using their imager. It makes it easy to analyse protein or DNA down to nanogram levels as soon as they have captured their gel or Western blot images.

GeneSys image capture software is suitable for a CFR21 Part 11 compliant environment. Click here for further information about CFR 21 Part 11 compliance

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