
In Vivo Imaging
Revvity Living Image®是專為IVIS 活體影像平台設計的體內成像軟件,簡化2D冷光和螢光實驗中複雜圖像設定和分析,達到直覺簡單且精準地取得圖像跟結果。其應用包括在IVIS 系統中、X光結構和CT的3D骨骼進行影像處理,可完美的將生物結構及細胞活性訊號疊合取得更深層的資訊。

Revvity RAS-4囓齒動物麻醉系統與IVIS系統兼容,可同時氣麻多個IVIS®和FMT®以及Quantum GXII microCT成像系統。它通過四個輸送迴路促進有效的氣體輸送,同時具有主動排除廢棄氣功能,保護實驗室人員不會過量氣麻劑的暴露。

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Living Image® advanced in vivo imaging software designed for the IVIS Lumina platform simplifies even the most complex image acquisition and analysis of 2D bioluminescent and fluorescent probes. With streamlined interfaces and workflows for longitudinal analysis of 2D data including co-registration with X-ray in applicable IVIS Lumina systems, Living Image in vivo imaging software sets the industry standard for ease of use and flexibility.

The RAS-4 Rodent Anesthesia System is compatible with our suite of in vivo preclinical imaging systems including IVIS® and FMT® optical imaging systems as well as the Quantum microCT imaging system. It facilitates efficient gas delivery via four delivery circuits while minimizing excess gas exposure to lab personnel with active scavenging capabilities.