
MACS Sample Preparation
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Removal Reagents

血液樣本或組織研磨後的樣本大多含有會干擾下游實驗分析的成分,因此移除死細胞、紅血球或內毒素等等就變成不可省略的步驟。原廠的Removal Reagents 提供多樣去除方案對應實驗需求,藉以提升抗體結合效率。

Dead Cell Removal Kit (130-090-101)
Myelin Removal Beads II, human, mouse, rat (130-096-433)
Myelin Removal Beads II, human, mouse, rat - small size (130-096-731)
Myelin Removal Beads II, human, mouse, rat (130-096-733)
Endotoxin Removal Beads (130-093-657)
Endotoxin Removal Beads (130-093-659)
Red Blood Cell Lysis Solution (10×) (130-094-183)
Basic MicroBeads (130-048-001)
Debris Removal Solution (130-109-398)

Link to Miltenyi
Blood samples and cell suspensions after tissue dissociation are complex suspensions and unwanted material can have interfering effects on downstream applications. Removal of dead cells, debris, myelin, red blood cells or endotoxin is usually indispensable for efficient antibody binding to target cells. Our sample clearing reagent portfolio provides an array of options to reduce complexity of cell suspensions and helps optimizing your sample preparation.