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P4PRO 搭配幫浦的表面等離子共振感測儀- 可自由切換成靜態或動態SPR偵測


P4PRO 和 Affipump 憑藉其先進的技術,這款多功能設備提供了無與倫比的控制和靈活性,讓使用者可以透過添加 Affipump 輕鬆地在靜態和動態分析模式之間切換。其高精度雙注射幫浦提供多種流速選項,且同時執行靜態和動態分析的能力使其成為適用於各種應用的強大工具。例如,您可以在靜態模式下調節和準備固定,然後無縫切換到流動進行動力學分析。無論您需要單通道還是多通道分析,P4PRO 和 Affipump 都能提供即時、在線控制和無與倫比的效能。


Lensless SPR Technology

以往傳統 SPR 系統是使用角檢測 (angular interrogation) 產生 SPR 信號,需要大約 50 cm 的傾斜光路。此方法需要複雜且精密的透鏡,以確保光線正確聚焦到感測表面,然后收集到檢測器上。相比之下,無透鏡 SPR 系統的光路呈線性,且長度大約是傳統 SPR 系統的 1/10,這種線性光路消除了對透鏡的需求,从而顯著减小 SPR 系统主要組件的尺寸,使儀器整體體積可以大幅縮小。

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 (傳統SPR和無透鏡 SPR的光路比較)

Comparing static and kinetic SPR characteristics

SPR 儀器可以提供豐富的分子相互作用資訊,例如動力學、親和力和濃度等。 利用 SPR 進行分析主要分為兩種類型:靜態分析和動態分析。通過結合使用靜態和動態分析,我們可以全面瞭解分子相互作用。動態分析説明我們揭示結合的動態特性,而靜態分析則允許高效篩選和定量。兩者結合起來,可以提供從初始結合到穩態結合水平的整個結合過程的整體視圖。

  • 靜態分析系統 (static system):例如 P4SPR 儀器,樣品溶液通過注射器手動注入流動池,並通過擴散與表面相互作用,其非常適合用於分析物篩選和定量。它可以在特定時間點提供結合的即時結果,從而快速分析大量樣品組。由於簡化的樣品引入過程、更快的基線建立和高效的系統沖洗,靜態 SPR 的分析時間可以比動態 SPR 縮短一半。這使得靜態 SPR 成為特異性篩選、分析物定量和基本親和力表徵的省時選擇。
  • 動態分析系統 (kinetic system):樣品通過進樣環 (sample loop) 載入(手動注射器或自動進樣器),然後通過注射幫浦驅動流動緩衝液,將樣品引入流動池中。讓我們能夠瞭解分子相互作用的動態特性,揭示結合的速度和強度。它有助於研究生物過程的機制並開發標靶治療方法。通過即時監測相互作用,我們可以評估結合速率和解離速率,並推導出親和力常數。




P4SPR family

因科學家們在使用 ELISA 等技術時可能會面臨的種種挑戰,因此Affinité P4SPR的目前三種新一代的 SPR 儀器可以為大家提供一個新的解決方案,其利用無透鏡 SPR 技術,讓您可以即時優化和驗證您的表面化學製備,節省數小時的故障排除時間,也讓您的研究更快、更高效。我們的產品以卓越的品質和性能著稱,擁有獨特緊湊的 SPR 模組,並經由專有的無透鏡 SPR 技術提供支援。


  • P4SPR 2.0:

P4SPR 2.0是一款用戶友好型設備,具有高度特異性和多功能的檢測能力,從靜態到實時測量,無需檢測標記,經由其獨特的設計,該設備甚至可以檢測多步結合相互作用,為結合過程提供寶貴的見解。此外,它具有成本效益和使用簡單的特點,使其成為各個領域研究人員的理想選擇。而且,憑藉其廣泛的濃度範圍,P4SPR 2.0 適用於各種應用,從蛋白質定量到環境測試。



  • P4PRO & Affipump:

P4PRO 和 Affipump憑藉其先進技術,這款多功能設備提供無與倫比的控制和靈活性,P4PRO使用者只需搭配 Affipump 雙通道注射幫浦,即可輕鬆切換靜態和動態分析模式。其高精度雙針幫浦提供了廣泛的流速選項,使其能夠執行靜態和動態流動的分析,讓其成為各種應用的強大工具。例如,您可以在靜態模式下進行固定和準備固定化,之後可以無縫切換到流動模式進行動態分析。無論您需要個別還是多通道分析,P4PRO 和 Affipump 能提供實時、直向控制和卓越的性能。


  • P4PRO+:

P4PRO +這款強大的工具集結了雙通道循環和標準幫浦,提供真正的參考減法以獲得準確的結果。此儀器憑藉提供實時結合動力學和對生物途徑的洞察能力,P4PRO +適合用於需要精確的流動分析,或者對複雜系統需進行更深入觀察的使用者,其創新的設計和精密的技術,使其成為該領域的一項值得注意的發展,提供了新的精度和準確度水平。







(Sensors列表: 可依照用途,選擇表上的Sensor搭配到儀器當中)



  • Lensless SPR Technology

n traditional Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) systems, angular interrogation is utilized to generate the SPR signal, requiring an angled optical path of approximately 50 cm. This method employs complex and delicate lenses to ensure proper focusing of light onto the sensing surface and then collection onto the detector.

In contrast, lensless SPR systems feature a linear optical path that is approximately 10 times shorter than that of traditional SPR systems. This linear path eliminates the need for lenses, thereby offering the potential to significantly reduce the size of the main components of the SPR system, making it ultra-compact. Affinité's lensless SPR technology represents a game-changing leap in the world of SPR instruments. By streamlining the traditional complexities, we have achieved a more compact and efficient design, making it easier than ever to harness the power of SPR. With its patented features, such as the integration of a Dove prism and the strategic use of broad-spectrum LEDs, our lensless SPR technology promises to transform the way you conduct your analysis.

  • Comparing static and kinetic SPR characteristics

Both kinetic and static analyses provide valuable information in different ways. Kinetic analysis allows us to understand the dynamics of molecular interactions by providing insights into the speed and strength of binding. It helps study the mechanisms of biological processes and develop targeted therapies. By monitoring interactions in realtime, we can evaluate association and dissociation rates and derive affinity constants.  On the other hand, static analysis is well-suited for screening and quantification of analytes. It provides a snapshot of binding at a specific time point, allowing for rapid analysis of large sample sets. Assay times in static SPR can be up to half the time as kinetic SPR due to the simplified sample introduction process, quicker baseline establishment, and efficient system flushing. This makes static SPR a time-efficient choice for specificity screening, analyte quantification, and basic affinity characterization.  By utilizing both kinetic and static analyses, we can obtain a comprehensive understanding of molecular interactions. Kinetic analysis helps us uncover the dynamic aspects of binding, while static analysis allows for efficient screening and quantification. Together, they provide a holistic view of the binding process, from the initial association to the steady-state binding levels.

  • P4SPR family

At Affinité, we understand the challenges that scientists face when working with techniques such as ELISA. That’s where our next-generation SPR devices become the solution. With Lensless SPR, you can optimize and validate your surface chemistry preparations in real-time, saving you hours of troubleshooting and enabling faster, more efficient research. Our products stand out for their exceptional quality and performance, boasting a unique, ultra-compact SPR module powered by proprietary Lensless SPR technology.

  • Sensors

We offer a diverse range of sensors with tailored surface chemistries to accommodate various applications. Whether you are delving into protein-protein interactions, studying small molecule binding, or exploring nucleic acid interactions, our sensors are designed to meet your specific research needs. We also offer curated kits that include everything you need for a successful experiment, ensuring a hasslefree and streamlined workflow.
